the Hive Thonglor

Skills Exchange BKK: Art, Economics, and Leadership

Direction: the Hive Thonglor, Rooftop Cafe. Please arrive by 7 pm. Get your drink and chill.

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If you ever thought of skills exchange, come for this event because Karen (founder) is giving her low-downs on skills exchanging, in her personal skills exchange stories. We discuss ideas and ideals of Skills Exchange and the art of Skills Exchange and what these can mean for our society. How do we do Skills Exchange? (Skills Exchange example: you teach me self-defence or Spanish, I teach you Chinese or painting.)

What opportunities in the economics of Skills Exchange could we discover? What leadership opportunities are present in Skills Exchange?

1] Skills Exchange Introduction
2] Skills Exchange: art, economics & leadership
3] Everyone: What is your Learn-Teach list?

As is Skills Exchange event custom, each comes ready to share their Learn-Teach list (what you would like to learn, what you would like to teach).

* It helps organisers when you bring your friends, honour your RSVP and arrive on time for the event 🙂

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