the Hive Thonglor

Skills Exchange: What Opera Taught Me About Events Hosting

In this Skills Exchange community event, Karen Seah, Skills Exchange organiser and founder, shares her experience with events hosting. Karen will take you through from inception of event idea to what may appear on information page, the interface with potential audience, in her journey of what it means “to host, to meet”. At the end of the presentation, we may gain confidence in organising and hosting an event.

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As Skills Exchange event custom, each comes ready to share their Learn-Teach list (what you would like to learn, what you would like to teach).

Profile, Karen Seah: Between[masked], Karen organised forums for schoolteachers and the arts community to promote discourse for the arts in education e.g. Arts in Education Now: Context and Perspectives 2005, attended by 300 teachers, government officials, academicians and artists. She expands artists-schoolteachers interface by delivering workshops for teachers to inspire pedagogical creativity. Karen used to host Tango functions: social dance events, showcases and classes. Since 2018, Karen travels and organises Skills Exchange community events in Southeast Asia, and looks to inspire local co-organisers for Skills Exchange.

1] Skills Exchange Introduction
2] Presentation “What Opera Taught Me about Events Hosting”
3] Everyone: What is your Learn-Teach list?

* It helps organisers when you bring your friends, honour your RSVP and arrive on time for the presentation.

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